Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Work in Progress

Some of us are books with a thousand chapters.  Love stories, adventures, and tragedies -- delicately interwoven.  We live our lives engrossed in the current scene.  If we're lucky, plenty of pages still await.

Who will your character become?  You are the protagonist.  Choose to be the hero of your own story.  Each decision will add depth to your epic tale.  Blind the villains with your inner light.  Do not allow them to cast shadows on the path ahead.

Where will the narrative take you?  Are you happy with this destination?  Perhaps it's time to stop and rest.  Reflect, just for a little while.  It's okay if certain ideas aren't ready to connect.  There's no need to worry whether or not it all makes sense.

Complexities and contradictions prove that you've led a life worth living.  Document every honest emotion.  Be thankful for plot twists and unforeseen changes.  Your story is more than a mere tabloid headline or one-hit wonder.  It's an authentic read for those who want to experience something real.

Listen to your audience as you share these personal anecdotes.  They will see parts of you that you've never observed.  Allow what you've learned to influence new words, new lines.  Keep writing.  Keep creating.  This novel, this life, is a work in progress.

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